i'm too frustrated with samsung's stock browser since JP6, and the deodexed one from JVQ is totally rubbish. it's sooooo lag that i've to wait for 2 seconds after each scroll
so, after studying some great posts in xda, i've modded a deodexed JVQ browser with all the lag things disappeared. now it just perform like what it used to be, u can scroll from the top to the bottom of the page with 1 single scroll. HOWEVER, i cannot say it's 100% bugs-free
so, USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISKS!! and remember to do BACKUP!
installation (for deodexed rom):
simply remove the existing Browser.apk from /system/app, and put this one there
PS you may notice some strange thing when u start this modded browser for the 1st time like a blank page is shown or cant scroll the page. just reload the page or restart the browser will do
NOTICE to all users:
- this is a one-off mod and it is not supposed to have any further modifications/adjustments
NOTICE to modders/developers:
- if u want to keep this alive or help to maintain this mod, etc, feel free to ask for the trick in xda
you can get it here