1. Download exploid_x10mini.zip
1.1. Extract the contents of the ZIP file C: \ exploid_x10mini
2. Download Android SDK (In accordance with the OS used)
2.1. Extract the ZIP File
2.2. browse android-sdk-windows \ tools \ and copy the entire file in this folder to C: \ exploid_x10mini
3. Install PC Companion (It may have been installed when you connect to the X10 Mini Pro Computers)
4. Enable USB Debugging on the X10 Mini Pro, in a way like this:4.1. Settings> Applications> Development4.2. enable USB Debugging4.3. enable Stay Awake
5. Put the Power Control on the Home Screen Widget fatherly facilitate the On / Off WIFI5.1. On the Home Screen press the Menu button (left button)5.2. Choose Arrange Widgets5.3. locate and select the Power Control5.4. press the Back5.5. Turn on WIFI (far left), let it stay alive even though there is no Access Point is found
6. Plug the USB cable to the computer to connect to the X10 Mini Pro computer (If you exit the menu options on the X10 Mini Pro, select Charge Mode)
7. Open Command Prompt on the Computer / Laptop
8. Type the following commands (in red is the typed command)
cd c:\exploid_x10mini
c:\exploid_x10mini>adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
315 KB/s (38823 bytes in 0.120s)
c:\exploid_x10mini>adb push su /sdcard/su
1080 KB/s (22120 bytes in 0.020s)
c:\exploid_x10mini>adb push exploid /sqlite_stmt_journals/exploid
1049 KB/s (9672 bytes in 0.009s)
c:\exploid_x10mini>adb push busybox /sqlite_stmt_journals/busybox
1901 KB/s (1709832 bytes in 0.878s)
C:\exploid_x10mini>adb shell
$ cd sqlite_stmt_journals
cd sqlite_stmt_journals
$ chmod 755 exploid
chmod 755 exploid
$ chmod 755 busybox
chmod 755 busybox
$ ./exploid
[*] Android local root exploid (C) The Android Exploid Crew
[*] Modified by birdman for the DroidX
[+] Using basedir=/sqlite_stmt_journals, path=/sqlite_stmt_journals/exploid
[+] opening NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT socket
[+] sending add message ...
[*] Try to invoke hotplug now, clicking at the wireless
[*] settings, plugin USB key etc.
[*] You succeeded if you find /system/bin/rootshell.
[*] GUI might hang/restart meanwhile so be patient.
9. On the X10 Mini Pro, turn off (OFF) and then Turn on WiFi (ON) return
10. Back to the command prompt on the computer, type rootshell and press [ENTER]
11. Type in Password rootnow and press [ENTER]
The prompt will change to # ... and now you have ROOT!
12. Type the following command at the Command Prompt and press ENTER for each line below
. / Busybox cp / sdcard / Superuser.apk / system / app / [ENTER] . / Busybox cp / sdcard / su / system / bin / [ENTER] . / Busybox busybox cp / system / bin / [ENTER] chmod 4755 / system / bin / su [ENTER] rm / system / bin / rootshell [ENTER]
13. type in Exit -> out of rootshell 12. type in Exit -> out of adb shell
Device has been successful in rooting and to verify type the following command in the Command Prompt
14. Type adb shell [ENTER] 15. Type su [ENTER]Look at the X10 Mini Pro screen - will Superuser.apk way and will ask for confirmation fatherly root permissions to allow or not.