BlackBerry Tips & Tricks Most Popular
Press the Power button.
Switch to another program>>
Hold down the Alt key and press the Escape key. Continue to press the Alt key and select a program. Release the Alt key to switch to that program.
Out of the screen or dialog box>>
Press the Escape key.
Insert a period>>
Press the Space key twice. The next letter will be uppercase.
Pastes a snail (@) and dot in the box Email>>
Press the Spacebar.
Typing accents or special characters>>
Hold the letter key and scroll the trackball / trackwheel.
Make a capital letter>>
Hold the letter key until the letter appears. Move the cursor into different directions>>
Hold down the Alt key and scroll the trackball / trackwheel.
Change the option field>>
Hold down the Alt key. Click a value.
Switching to an item in a list or menu>>
Press the first letter of the element.
Selecting the checkbox>>
Press the Spacebar. To cancel a checked box, press the Space key again.
Select lines of text>>
Hold down the Shift key and scroll the trackball / trackwheel.
Shifts one screen down>>
Press the Spacebar.
Shifts one screen to the top>>
Press the Shift key Space key Disclaimer: We are not Responsible for any Damages that may be happened to your Device in the process that we mentioned in the following guide. If any issues happens, we will help you to resolve the problem. Also Keep in mind rooting will void your device’s warranty.