two new Samsung Galaxy SIII GT-I9300 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmwares XXELL4 and XXELL5 released for Russia and Germany (Vodafone) respectively. it is reported that the home screen redraw problem has been resolved partially, with some more improvements are expected as the branded XXELL5 contains much more changes
I9300XXELL4 firmware details:
pda: XXELL4
modem: XXELL4
csc: OXEELL1
build date: 10 Dec 2012
I9300XXELL5 firmware details:
pda: XXELL5
modem: BUELK1
csc: VFGELL1
build date: 11 Dec 2012
download links:
XXELL4 (by sammobile)
XXELL5 (by sammobile)