The advent of mobile phones equipped with touch-screen made the writing of texts via mobile devices much easier than what you had on old keypads with T9, this however does not mean that the situation cannot improve. If you are using a smartphone Android, for example, you can replace the default virtual keypad operating system with a custom one downloaded from the Android Market.
You didn't know? Then remedied immediately! On the Android Market there are so many alternative keyboards, more practical and nice to see the default Google operating system, just waiting to be downloaded and tested. Follow my directions on How to change the Android keyboard and install it on your mobile, you'll be sorry!
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Before we see in detail How to change the keyboard Android, you'd get a alternative to use keypad on your smartphone. If you go to the Android Market and search "keyboard" or "keyboard" I found many, but take care to download only those that have a high score and positive comments from users. Otherwise, you risk run into some malicious software that exploits the Android keyboard to steal passwords and other sensitive data.
Between alternative keyboards for Android most famous and appreciated by users there are the Android 2.3 keyboard that brings on Android 2.2 and earlier the virtual keypad of Android Gingerbread and SlideIT, a very unusual keypad available in free trial version for 15 days but then paid (cost 4,50 €) that allows you to type the words quickly on Android why not removing your finger from the screen of your phone.

Once you have downloaded a virtual keypad, you can proceed to change the Android keyboard. Proceed therefore in Settings of your Android by "tap" on the icon on the home screen, select keyboard and Language from the menu that pops up and put the check mark next to the entry concerning the alternative keyboard that you have installed (eg. SlideIT). If you see a warning about the risks that you run using alternative keypads, don't worry, it's normal, then touch the OK button and agree to enable the keyboard for Android just installed.
Now set the new keyboard as default, so that it is used in all applications instead of the default of Android. Open then the memos or any other app where you can type text, hold your finger down for a few seconds in the field provided, type the text and, in the pane that opens, select insert mode. Select the virtual keyboard that you just installed and you're done.

At this point, you have replaced the Android virtual keyboard, but remember that the operation is reversible at any time. Just hold down your finger on a text area, "tap" oninsert mode and choose the name of the dial pad to use as the default keyboard. Easy, no?