well ladies and gentle man in here I'd like to share for you all about
download LG.csc for samsung corby 2 GT-S3850. you can see the demo in below. with gif image the mean animation image. sorry if my csc created is not good but just this can i do.
after many boot animation i created, i think this csc is very perfect not like a virus detected.csc which have bug (not perfect) if you want to know download, install and see this csc. ok you can download the boot animation csc for your samsung corby 2 in this link.

LG_FW-sea-asia.zip :
http://adf.ly/umjxKsorry there is a error that file a have password please wait i will see the password in my home
the password zip is csc OK thanks for your visited to my blog
oh yeah
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thanks see you....
if you have a error with your text or font after installing this csc, see what your firmware if your firmware is arabic but you install a csc sea asia will be founded error at font or text or maybe language. i ever got this problem i can't write massage and at logn time be a bootloop so i must flash again.