adb/shell command guide for noobs
Command Screen shot windows:
What is this adb/shell command ?
This adb/shell command use for Android phone you can direct backup your Apps, contacts, photos, mp3 sogns, videos, you can do Reset Gmail, Format, also you can do Android phone normal to Recovery mode, normal to Fastboot mode, delete apps from sd card, partition erase sd card, recovery screen, update file from the sd card or internal memory card, restore data or apps, copy apps from computer to Android phone, see below all give you tutorial with example how to backup or restore etc.
Remember :
I started tutorial first listen to everyone who use adb/shell if you want to this command use for your android so you have to must Enable USB debugging if you have to Disable USB debugging you don't have to use this command and also this command not working for your Android.
You have to must install adb drivers in your computer or latptop
Which command use for take apps off or on phone to computer see blow.
Code :
adb pull /system/sd/app app
adb pull /system/sd/app-private app-private
Push apps back to phone from the computer
Which command use for backup apps phone to computer see blow.
Code :
adb push app /system/sd/app
adb push app-private /system/sd/app-private
Delete existing apps on SD
Which command use for deleted or exiting apps in SD card see blow.
Code :