Multi Android tools free download here
Multi Android tools screenshot 1:
Multi Android tools screenshot 2:
This tools for mostly for tablet who in rockchip cpu this is impotent tool who work in mobile software related work and in this tools many feature i also put which feature in this tools also support all winner tablet and also this is impotent too, android driver also in this tools, liveSuit, SuperUser application for root, RK29update tools also in this tools this all are feature not include all just link put in this tools just click you want to download and open automatically explorer and download from there because this tools only 18mb so not include all of but some feature include of Rockchip too, LiveSuit, SuperUser apps, RK29Tool and also i put screenshot of who include in this tools so let's go which is feature in this tool ?
Multi Android Tool Free Download
First Screen Feature:
1. RKD_Manage Tool (see below image)
2. LiveSuit
3. SperUser apk
4. RK29update tools (see below image)
Second Screen Feature (just link only):
ROMs, Firmware and Tools links
1. VIA 8650 link
2. VIA MW8505 link
3. Telechips link
4. Rockchip link
5. All Winner link
6. Android (PC) link
7. WM8850 link
8. ZT-280 link
9. WM8710 link
10. Uberizer link
11. A10 (BoxChip)
12. A10 MK802