Hey guys! Here in this tutorial, i will explain how to remove the shortcut link viruses from your flashdrives without formatting the whole disk drive. If you find your disk files and folders were turned into shortcuts and reappears even after deleting it several times, don't be frustrated and format the whole disk drive to remove such viruses, your folders/files are not actually gone or corrupted, it's just hidden into drive. To View The Hidden Files In The Disk 1. Go to ->organise ->folder search option -> view ->advanced settings -> select show hidden files,folders and drives. 2. Click OK and view the disk, you will find the files that wer hidden in transparent mode. Now its time to remove the shortcut link that have been created by virus attack without formatting the whole flash drive directly or deleting one by one kindly follow these steps: Start -> Run -> Type cmd and click OK, A command prompt window opens Type attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\ *.* NOTE: Replace the letter "g'' with the disk letter that you want to remove the shortcut virus. When you press enter, its all done. You can now check your disk for shortcut virus free drive. WARNING: This solution is only temporary, i suggest you install an antivirus software and run a full PC scan for any viruses that affected your disk/flash drive. Thanks for reading and feel free to make use of the comment box.