Before begin this, you must Back up your Contact as well as Application because you will lose everything after Flashing the ICS Firmware
Require data:
This can be only done on PC
1. Official ICS:
- Xperia Ray (Firmware) :
- Official ICS firmware for Neo v : (extract to file tft) or : (extract it)
- Arc S :
2. Flashtool:
3. Khmer Font:
Speacial Thank to Mr. SHMAXX for providing me this lovely Khmer Font which work almost 98.88%
on My phone
4. CWM-install: you might want to know more so please go to this link and download
5. Khmer Keyboard:
I got this one from Mr.Chhim Sathupheap.
How to Flash the ICS official Firmware
1. Extract Flash tool Into Drive C
2. U must Extract Firmware first/Copy the Officail Firmware to C:\Flashtool\firmwares
and U must also install the driver which locate in C:\Flashtool\drivers and during the installation process, u must tick all the option.
4. Put USB debugging one and also Tick the Unknow source in your Phone
5. Open Flashtool-> Click on the Flash ICON and choose-> Flash Mode
6. select your firmware and click ok ( wait until it ask to connect phone to PC )
7. connect your phone to PC via USB and follow on screen instruction
8. when it ask your phone to connect Fo:r
- Xperia Ray, Just hold down the Volume down tightly when plug into PC until the Flashing process appear.
- xperia neo v And Arc S hold back Key buttonអោយជាប់ដូចគ្នាមុននឹងដោត
9. The Phone will not boot up by itself you u need to Unplug and turn it on. If it say error just ignore it turn your phone ON it work simple
First boot will take a lot of Time So you wait maybe 5 minute or 10 minute
7. Enjoy your New version ICS on your phone
How to Install Khmer Font on Ray
***Before begin the installation, of course, you must root your phone first
To Root Please go to: -- and Follow the on screen Instruction
1. Extract Doomloard on desktop
2.Put USB debugging one and also Tick the Unknow source in your Phone connect to PC on folder doomloard on dekstop that you extract it for root
4. Press Any key on your keyboard it will running wait untile it say finish
5. enjoy with rooting
How to install CWM
Install CWM: Go to This link and read about how to install CWM
install-cwm1.cmd for Xperia Arc / Neo / PLAY/ Ray
install-cwm2.cmd for Xperia Mini / MiniPro / Active / Live With Walkman
2.Enable USB Debugging on device
3.Connect your device using usb data cable
4.Follow on screen instruction
How to Install khmer unicode font (Boot Into CWM)
1. Copy the .zip file into your SD card
(This File:
Install It by CWM
2. Boot your phone in CWM mode after .
- How to boot Ray, Neo V, and Arc S, in CWM mode:
- press and release continuously(ចុចនឹងប្រលែងឲ្យញាប់) the volume down button after the Word Sony appear.
4.Once you are in the CWM recovery, use the volume keys to navigate upwards / downwards, the 'home' key to select, the 'back' key to go back.
5. Find the .Zip file and Install it then Restart
How to Install KeyBoard
Install :
It is an APK file so there is nothing speacial.
After installed, go to Setting-> language and Inout and set Khmer Keyboard as default or just select it. U can also switch back and forth during typing.
** U can also install Multi link Keyboard in Play store if you don't like this one.
Translate Facebook App to Khmer:
Credit: Mr. Prom Visoth
Translated Facebook is out for testers!Instructions: download and touch to install.* if it can't replace your current Facebook, uninstall it and also delete old Facebook from phone system app. Reboot. Now you should be able to install this.
Updated: 06/05/2012
How to Install Khmer On Setting-SMS-Home:
Credit: Mr. Prom Visoth
Flash in CWM Mode; Then go to Setting- Language and Choose Khmer.
-I have tested on Ray and the Screen doesn't Fit Properly so go to
Setting- Application - All - Xperia Home - and choose Clear data
*****Some people have reported an error or a slow down using the Flashing firware so i suggest that you should use PC companion to Up your Xperia Device if you want to use ICS. To get the official ICS or the latest Update, I suggest you debrand your device for the Nordic branding, Normally, Nordic Country always get the latest update sofware.
- To debrand your device to Nordic country please go to:
The server will provide a client download to debrand your device.
It costs 1.99 Euro and it is comletly safe.
- U might need the free version. Yes you can.
To debrand your device, U need to Flash the old Gingerbrand of Nordic Countries.
Use the Flash tool to Flash the firware and then use PC Companion to to Update.
Firware Ray 2.3.4 of Nordic Country: