Google Adsense is one of the easiest way of earning money from your blog/website by showing your passion for writing and sharing your knowledge. Google Adsesnse is a program trusted by many publishers and advertisers from the past few years, and usually they never accepted anyone randomly into who is trying to apply for the program.
Adsense needs you to show them that you've got what it takes to apply and the most professional approach of getting your account approved, else google will simply throw away your application.
It is said that Adsense accepts only 3 accounts of 1000 applications they recieve each day. So if you are trying to get into the program or has been rejected earlier , follow these simple guidelines to get your Adsense approved. I was able to come up with these strategies because I had been that road before.
Below are some areas you need to work on to get instant approval;
1.Content: Your content is the number one thing here. The quantity of the post you published might not be the reason for your disapproval, the quality is what really matters
Google base their tests on your content as you applied. Contents describe your blog/website and help them to know what type of ad will be served on your website.
2.No Third Party Ad Program: Before applying for adsense, make sure you do not place any other third party banner ad code on your website. Google will strictly look into your website manually and hates seeing some other third party ads installed in your website. Stay away from chitika, yahoo ads or any other third party ad network to get the first impression clean on your website/blog.
3. Website/Blog design: You should work on your design. Google always want their users to get the best experience when browsing through any website they refer. Maintaining a clear and clean navigation tab will do you a lot of good and boost your chances of getting Adsense approval in the first attempt itself.
So make sure you maintain a neat design before applying to Adsense. I would recommend you
hire a webmaster to help you design a neat and well maintain navigation tab.
4. Important pages: Google wants to know your identity before you signup to their Adsense program
Make sure you create the following pages on your website before applying at all.
- Privacy policy
- Disclaimer policy
- Terms of Usage
- Contact Us
- About Us
In the about us section, clearly mention who you are, what is your website made for, what is the benefit people get out of your website and so on..
5. Google Analytic Code: Adding Google Analytic Code in your website is a trusted factor for approval. Adding analytic onto you website show that you are actively tracking your visitors and is much serious about the statistics of your users who visit you website.
Once registered, get your tracking code by creating new account under the new account tab and enter your website name, URL and other required details. Place the code on each page of your website to track the data instantly.
Those are the 5 powerful strategies I used to get my Adsense approved instantly, I believe you can do it too. If you need my further assistance, comment below and I will get back to you asap.