Reboot To Recovery
- Wipe all Data
- Wipe Cache
- Wipe Dalvik Cache
Install Zip
- Dap
Reboot ! & Enjoy
How to's:1. Installing & Activating Xposed Modules
- Go to Settings - Custom Options - Xposed
- Modules Check all of them
- Install Framwork Reboot!
2. Configuring Plak Module
- tap Mod Mihome On to Off
- Exit
3. Camera Flashing when msg arrivec
- Settings - Additional Settings - Notification light
- Turned it OFF
4. Titanium Backup (Restoring Backup Apk's)
- Open App
- Hold bottom left button and touch preferrence
- Go to Backup Settings - Backup folder Location
- Configure find your backup folder
- Restore your Apk's
5. Explore.