Chinese Miracle 2 MTK/Mediatek v 1.35 - Nokia 222, New MTK Android and MTK FP features
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MTK SP/FP Platform
- Flash Engine updated
Improved HW compatibility check
Other changes and improvements
- Service operations improved
- NVRAM operations on SP platform revised
Some bugfixes and changes, some old nvram files will not work anymore
- BB Detection improved
- Compile Info detection improved
- Security Repair Improved
- "FormatFS" revised for MTK Android
New mode supported: Full Factory + FS repair
Option make FullFactory Reset and also repair ExtData
Very useful for "slow" phones, which run after format up to 5-10 minutes and stuck on BootLogo
- UserData operations improved
Android: "Reset UserLocks" operation improved for some models
Android: PhoneBook Reading improved (big DBStorage is supported now)
- Privacy Lock reset improved
MT6580/MT6735/MT6753: PrivacyLock reset supported - WorldFirst!
>Normal Reset
>UserData Safe reset
In both cases by default data will be safe
- Smart AV engine updated
- Engine completely revised
- DeepScan improved
- Detection revised
- Revised Verification
- "One virus left" problem fixed
Strongly recomend to use latest version to avoid "hang" problem on some phones!
- Firmware reading improved
eMMC: Brand-specific improvements
eMMC/NAND: Verification improved
Supported Platforms for Factory FW Reading:
MT6571/MT6572/MT6575/MT6577/MT6580/MT6582/MT6589/MT6592/MT6595/MT6732/MT6735/MT6752/MT6753/MT6795/MT87xx/MT83xx with eMMC
MT625A/MT6260/MT6261 with SF/NOR
MT6571/MT6572 with NAND
- Other
FlashID database updated
FlashLoaders updated
Some bugfixes and improvements
FP MTKx Nokia
- New secured FlashUpdate package supported
- New Nokia MTKx models supported:
Nokia 222 SS/DS: RM-1136, RM-1137
Now CM2 support ALL existing Nokia MTK phones
Supported operations: Identify, FormatFS
- New Nokia MTKx Feature - Repair FS during Format - WorldFirst!
Special for Nokia 220 "browser" problem after "FormatFS"
Just use "FormatFS" without any kind of additional settings selection
Official download linkInfinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support as nobody else - Infinity-Box NewsUnlock Codes (Huawei, SE, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations - Infinity-Box Online Service- Infinity-Box Dongle ready for delivery
- BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
- CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
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