Must Read :
This tutorial tested by me without any issue, this is simple method for fix unknown baseband in mtk cpu you can all type mtk devices can done issue of unknown baseband, but here some notes if you are not done using this tutorial, that is which one issue if you are not done from using this tutorial, first of if your device in baseband ic issue so you can't solve using this tutorial because that is hardware related problem, this tutorial only use software related problem then you can done easy solve using this tutorial, this problem done in miracle box so if you want to solve that problem so need to any box who repair unknown baseband issue, i have done this issue in intex i4 plus android device, let's know more about unknow baseband problem.
What Happen when your device unknown baseband ?
This question very impotent everyone who working in software related working, if in your device to unknown baseband problem you can't repair IMEI number (Note: Always use Original IMEI .. Clone IMEI Changing is Crime) and if your device in IMEI issue you can't use phone.
Required for Fix Unknown Baseband Issue:
1. MTK CPU device with unknown's baseband issue
2. Miracle box or other box you can use but in that to be option of Fix Unknown baseband
3. Micro USB cable
4. Computer or Laptop
1. Open Miracle box
2. Go to MTK Tab option
3. Click on Fix Unknown BaseBand option
4. Choose 8th Boot(MT65xx & MT67xx/8127)
5. Tick on USBCable option
6. Now Click on Start button
7. Press and hold Volume up button and insert USB cable
8. Wait until full process
9. You are done from Unknown BaseBand issue.
MTK CPU Fix Unknown BaseBand issue done in Miracle box screenshot:
Note : Always use Original IMEI .. Clone IMEI Changing is Crime