This tutorial tested by me without any problem, this is easy way to usb debugging enable just remember impotent for this job, first of must check your device battery that is charged up to 80% and also check micro usb cable it is also working well if not working then you can't do this job because done this job must both impotent need for this, this is done by me in miracle box if you don't have miracle box you can't do this job. Must also need miracle box with key without that you can't do this job.
Required for Enable Usb Debugging:
1. MTK device with good battery charged (Android device)
2. Miracle box with key
3. Micro usb cable
4. Computer or Laptop
1. Connect Miracle box with Computer or Laptop
2. Open
Miracle box3. Go to
MTK tab and second go to
Unlock/Fix4. Click on
Open Usb Debug option
5. Choose correct
Boot option
6. Tick on
USB Cable option
7. Now last click on
Start button8. Press and hold
Volume Up button and insert usb to device
9. Wait until full process
10. You are done
Usb debugging Enable in Micromax A72 done in Miracle box screenshot:
Note : Above picture done pattern unlock of Micromax A72 without any risk
Usb debugging Enable in Micromax A72 done in Miracle box Logs:
1.Phone Power off
Definition Applied
Waiting for USB Port...
Set MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM3)
Please Hold "ON" to connect with the phone...
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6575 SW: E201 Ver: CB00
Downloading Boot8 ...
Nand Flash Type: [TOSHIBA] TYBC0A111236KC
Nand Flash Code: 00AD00BC(00900055)
Nand Flash Size: 0x20000000 Hex Bytes
INT/EXT RAM Size: 0xC4800+0x0
Reading ROOT DATA...480000_500000
C:\Program Files\Miracle Box\MTK6575nandboot1511261524.img
Writing ROOT DATA...480000_500000
total£º 0 mins38 s
Definition Applied
Connecting to Phone,Wait..ok
Wipe data...