Step By Step Procedure With Images
You Need :-
1- SUGAR MTK SP Tool Setup With Username And Password
If You Dont Have This So Download It from Here .
1- Run Setup (SUGAR MTK_SP V2.0.2 Setup.exe)
Press [Next]

2- Change install path by pressing [Browse]

3- if you want to install the program in another location , so select a folder to install
then press [OK]

4- press [Next]

5- If you do not change install patch

6- Press [Next]

7- Press [Install]

8- Press [Finish]

9- If you have not installed MTK_SP USB dowload driver in your PC , then tick mark on install driver .

10- click on Finish .
Registering the SUGAR MTK tool with username and password
NOTE :- you have a working internet connection , this tool is working online only .
1- open SUGAR MTK tool (SUGAR MTK_SP) .
If it is connected to france server so connect it to shanghai server .
2-copy and paste username and password from the text file or from here
connect to shanghai server
username - SU_IN.Panasonic
password - KoD8naL2
3- click on ok .
congratulation you did it .
SUGAR MTK Tool For All Alcatel Panasonic With Username And Password Free Download .