ShoutAmLoud is here again....Sicerely speakingsSince the arrival of Magic IP I can't remember when last I did subscription for Etisalat social pak, but I notice that some users are still subscribing for social me and openvpn users are requesting for configuration files for openvpn connect. Now i have Five (5) working config files for etisalat social/chat pak for Openvpn lovers so that they can keep on rocking as usual.
Kindly click the links below to download Etisalat Openvpn config file for Social me/chat pak sub.
Link 1Link 2Link 3Link 4Link 5
For those that use psiphon vpn you can use the IP's below too5.196.12.152 8080 3128 3128 3128 3128
HERE to check our proxy server page for NEW Openvpn Password.