Actually some time problems in devices like
hang on logo, restarting problem, pattern lock, screen lock any type software issues you can easy solve using this post this is for
Vivo Y15 only and you can done this job without
any box no need to any license box simple download this stock rom and following
procedure you are don it's very simple if you better understand before use
first check device in hardware like shorting if device will be short and try to flash then device will be dead or other software problem.
You can use this post for
auto application downloading, auto data internet connection enabled, wifi auto enabled and using this post you can easy
remove some virus it's hidden working of application install but remember must take backup all data like
contacts, videos, photos, emails etc
possibility use this procedure you will be data loss if device live condition just take all type which you have to impotent after follow.
What happen if usb socket issue in device ? that impotent for upgrade or flashing if not working well then you can't connect device with the computer so you can't use this easy way and
this called hardware problem not software related because some
new technician not understand and most impotent for new technician users
the question was produced which one if device was charged why not connect but here to way in charged socket first of charging way and second is mobile connect with computer for upgrade or flashing.
Need for flashing:
1. Vivo Y15 device with good battery chaged
2. Vivo Y15 Stock rom firmware it's
here password : poho deui3. Vivo Y15 Flash tool it's
here4. Vivo Y15 USB Driver it's
here5. Micro usb cable
6. Computer or Laptop
How to Flash Vivo Y15 with Flash tool ?
1. Download tested firmware, flash tool or USB driver from above link
2. Unzip from zip to desktop or as you like path (
must be installed winzip)
3. Open
USB driver folder and installed it first
4. Open
Flash tool Folder and choose
flash_tool.exe file and open it
5. Choose
Scatter-loading button and select
MT6582_Android_scatter.txt file
6. Now choose
Download button
7. Turn off device and take out battery again insert battery and just
connect device with computer
8. If device not connect then Press and hold
Volume Up button and insert usb cable
9. Wait until driver install automatically, if not installed driver manual update from above link driver
10. Will connect device with flash tool after install driver and wait until full process
11. Do not unplug device while in flashing12. I hope you are done
Vivo Y15 Flash done Screenshot: