well ladies and gentle man in here or in this post I'd like to explain you about How to convert file image (bmp, png, jpg) to img
In this way the results of my own experiments, i convert the image to img for make boot animation in my phone. at that time I have Wave remaker software that I not yet understand at all, so I decided to try it yourself without the help of the Internet. I happened to be a successful experiment there a way to "convert" image file formats like bmp, png, jpg to img. than in google you dizzy looking at ways but not yet find any that convert well, you are very lucky to have visited and read the article on this blog. I as the admin of this blog to invite you to read and listen to the full.
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ok just go ahead how to "convert" the image file as img, png, jpg to img. check out below:
1. prepare image
2. open wave remaker. if haven't
download here3. go to tab "Utils" look in text ".img Encode"
4. click circle what format you want edit
ex : if you want to convert png so click circle in png
5. click buttom File Encode
6. browse your image and change where you want to place that
File img is ready thanks for visits